About Us

Analyst Institute was founded in 2007 to study and maximize the impact of voter contact programs through experimentation and evidence. Since then, we have run hundreds of experimental tests with progressive organizations and campaigns.

In addition to conducting research, Analyst Institute ensures the most up-to-date best practices reach practitioners, donors, and researchers on the ground through our training and advising services. We also host convenings large and small to facilitate knowledge-sharing, maximally effective programs, and innovation across our Analyst Group network.

Here’s what some partners and community members have to say about us:

“You’re taking your research skills and empowering people to make a better world for all of us.” – Minnesota-based organizer, 2023

“My primary use case is to cite Analyst Institute when explaining best practices […] to increase the credibility of my guidance.” – Data director of a state political organization, 2022

“We really lean on Analyst Institute, and we encourage our partners to lean on your work. We use all of your resources.” – Colorado-based civic engagement organizer, 2024