Training & Advising

Through Analyst Institute’s unparalleled knowledge base and expert staff, we offer a wide range of tools to help maximize organizations’ impact.

Our specialists synthesize the results of the hundreds of collaborative research projects into actionable guidance, which can be tailored to help an organization reach its unique goals — from winning elections to driving legislative action to cultivating a highly-engaged supporter network.

Analyst Institute’s Partnerships and Community Engagement Team is composed of former campaign managers and advocates equipped to coach organizers and donors in understanding and applying evidence-based best practices.

If you’re interested in our training or advising services, please reach out at [email protected].

Strategic Advising

Analyst Institute staff members provide data-driven guidance for program planning, resource allocation, strategic and tactical decision-making, and program evaluation. Our advising services are highly individualized: we customize best-practice guidance to the needs of each practitioner, donor, donor advisor, or researcher we meet with.

“We had our greatest successes when we followed the advice […] from your findings and where we deviated from your advice, we were less cost effective. I only wish we had been a little more disciplined in terms of taking your advice!” – Minnesota-based organizer, 2022

“We value what AI thinks about what’s effective and what’s not anymore.” –Analyst Group member, 2024

Training Programs

Our team provides trainings within our network and to individual organizations to build skills in applying evidence-based best practices to a wide range of programs. Some of our most popular training topics include:

  • Get-out-the-vote (GOTV) program planning
  • Deepening engagement with supporters and volunteers
  • Interpreting evidence and applying evidence to your programs
  • Evidence-based candidate and issue persuasion programs

“Thank you for the thoughtful analysis of the data! It is so helpful for our team to have access to research we can implement to improve our field program.” – Attendee of Deepening Engagement with Supporters and Volunteers training, 2023

“I have some actionable items to take to improve our program; I feel like a lot of the ideas we were already thinking of, but I feel validated to hear it come from data.” – Attendee of Deepening Engagement with Supporters and Volunteers training, 2023

“My outlook […] was completely shifted following this training–[…it] will allow my team to better craft quality GOTV scripts.” – Attendee of Recommendations for Evidence-based Get-out-the-Vote (GOTV) Programs training, 2023

If you’re interested in our training or advising services, please reach out at [email protected].