Our Mission

Analyst Institute aims to maximize progressive and civic engagement communities’ impact through research-driven programs and investments, strengthened by a culture of innovation and learning that is open to all.

Rigorous research: We collaborate with organizations across the country — including groups working to increase civic engagement, win elections, and build political power in communities of color — to measure and increase the impact of their programs. Findings from our research add to a shared knowledge base and enhance future efforts across the movements we support.

Implementing learnings: We know research is only as valuable as it is put into practice. Analyst Institute plays a unique role in collecting, synthesizing, and interpreting research to support its application in the field. Our evidence-based recommendations, resources, trainings, and consulting services reach hundreds of groups each year.

Building community knowledge: We host convenings among a diverse and expanding partner network to share findings, identify knowledge gaps, and collaborate to address pressing learning needs.