Code Hopper

Named in honor of early computer programming pioneer Grace Hopper, Analyst Institute’s Code Hopper is a repository to share code across the progressive community.

Members currently have access to software libraries and templates for code related to running political field experiments, including data wrangling, statistical analysis, visualizations, and related utilities/APIs.

To apply for access to Code Hopper, fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch shortly. Please note that Code Hopper is only open to members of the Analyst Group. If you are not an Analyst Group member, you can apply to join.

If you have already received Code Hopper access but do not remember your password, please email [email protected].

Code Hopper Application

  • Email used for Analyst Group. If you are not a member, please return to to apply.
  • If other than first initial + lastname
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.